Southwest Oklahoma Region
At the heart of Crime Stoppers of SW Oklahoma lies a dedicated team of board members who work tirelessly to ensure that our community remains safe. If you are interested in becoming a Crime Stoppers Board member, email
A special thanks to these individuals and their employers for helping make Crimestoppers/Drugbusters a success. If you know any of them, please express your appreciation the next time you see them.
Vacant (President)
Colby Stephenson (Vice-President)
Ippy Elliott (Treasurer)
Kristie Bolen (Secretary)
Haley Wilson
Anke Baker
Nathan Merritt
Caitlin Williams
Taron Epps
Johnny Owens
Butch Hooper
Elaine Hilz
Marta French
Larry Thoma
Johnny Kinder
Ken Dixon
Mark Mason
Jerry Hrnciar
Nathan Hicks
Crime Stoppers of SW Oklahoma is generously supported by a wide array of local businesses and organizations. Their contributions play an instrumental role in the positive impact we make on our community. We're proud to showcase our esteemed sponsors:
© 2024 Crime Stoppers of SW Oklahoma | Website by Southern View Media